Contact UsAdmin2024-07-22T10:10:07+02:00 CALL US021 712 5790 SEND AN Address246 Greenwich Rd, Diep River, Cape Town, 7800 Send Us a MessageWe are always ready to help, send us a message or give us a call! Name(Required) First Surname Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Cellphone Number(Required)What service/s are you interested in?(Required)Please choose all that apply to you. Splashbacks Frameless Aluminium Glass Mirrors Performance Glass Do you require Supply & Installation(Required) Yes No Do you want to collect?(Required) Yes No MeasurementsPlease provide us with all the measurements for the service/s you have chosen, thank you! CommentsPlease let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away. Fast Glass LocationYou can find us here!