Debt Therapy Debt Therapy Debt Therapy

Debt Counselling Services

What is Debt Counselling?

Debt Counselling is a formal debt solution introduced by the National Credit Act in 2007 and has been proven to be the easiest and cheapest way to becoming Debt Free whilst still ensuring that you have enough money to survive day to day.

How does it work?

We review all you current credit commitments (Loans, bonds, H.P. agreements, Credit/Store Cards etc.) and consolidate them into one affordable payment by negotiating new terms, interest rates with your credit providers thereby reducing your monthly payments to terms that are acceptable to your credit providers whilst ensuring you have enough funds to maintain your basic needs and expenses.

Debt Therapy has Mandates with over 90% of the Credit providers to engage with negotiations on behalf of our clients and in some cases can reduce interest rates down to Zero % where necessary provided that they receive a reasonable repayment period.

What are the advantages of Debt Counselling?

  • Full Legal protection from your Credit Provider’s.
  • Lower your monthly repayments.
  • Aim to get you Debt Free in the fastest possible way.
  • Have specialist available to you at all times.
  • More Cash in your pocket.
  • Educate and protect clients rights from credit providers and ensuring our clients know their rights.
  • Enable our clients to re-enter the credit market.

Apply For Debt Counselling

Get out of debt now:

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  • Fill out the form for a Free Assessment
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Get In Touch

Call Us: 086-11-11-863

Debt Therapy (Pty) Ltd
Unit 1
1st Floor
Time business park
37 Blaauwberg Road
Cape Town
7441 Debt Therapy