Dr. Ackermann is contracted in, which means that medical aid rates will be charged for each visit.
We do accept VISA payments for consultation fees. Alternatively, the fees can be charged to your medical aid scheme.
For optimal recovery, it is important to remain on crutches for 6-8 weeks post surgery – this timeline will be determined by Dr. Ackermann and a physiotherapist on a case-by-case basis. Even if there is no pain after surgery, the bone and soft tissue needs time to heal.
Most patients will remain in hospital for anything from 1 to 3 days. This varies on a case-by-case basis and will be determined by Dr. Ackermann.
You can consent to our regulations of the POPI Act, here.

our clients
Here's what our clients are saying
Dr. Ackermann gave me the ability to walk, cycle and swim
pain free. I got my life back, after having other surgeons
tell me I’d need to accept pain as my new normal. I met Dr.
Ackermann, he proved them wrong! I am so fortunate to
have met this gifted and caring surgeon. I’d travel around
the world to see him before having someone else touch my
I’m 75 years and had my right hip replaced by Dr.
Ackermann. I spent two nights in hospital, and after 3 days I
could easily manage st airs with crut ches. I suff ered
discomfort after the op and during recuperation, but had
absolutely no pain. Two and a half weeks after the op, I was
on one crutch and fours weeks in, I was walking without any
aid. Thanks aplenty to a maestro orthopedic surgeon!