Play is crucial for healthy childhood development. Healthy play for preschoolers – in a safe, stimulating environment, with a range of age-appropriate educational toys – offers the best educational and developmental outcomes for children.

How an Educational Toy can Benefit Young Children

Play, with age-appropriate, highest-quality educational toys:

  • Promotes healthy interactions with other children. This includes sharing, co-operation and conflict resolution. These skills form the bedrock for future emotional intelligence, social skills, good relationships, and career success.
  • Helps to build confidence along with the developmentally age-appropriate learning and skills acquisition
  • Optimises mental and emotional development within short ‘developmental windows’
  • Teaches the foundational elements of problem-solving and critical thinking
  • Encourages imagination and creativity and enhances future creative capacity
  • Promotes healthy mental and physical development – including the development of fine and gross motor skills, co-ordination and cause-and-affect
  • Enhances future learning capacity in general.

Educational Toys Teach Academic, Cognitive, Motor & Social Skills

Different classes of educational toys target different childhood developmental areas: academic skills, cognitive skills, and motor skills. The best educational toys target all three developmental areas, as well as enhancing social skills.

Certain educational toys are designed specifically develop children’s interest and capacity to pursue certain key educational and vocational areas – specifically Maths, Science, Technology and Engineering. These are called STEM Toys.

However, all educational toys that encourage spatial awareness and curiosity, along with creativity, problem-solving, sharing and collaboration, can be considered STEM toys.

The Importance of Educational Toys in the Play Setting

Children love playing with toys. Interacting with objects in play is a fundamental developmental tool that teaches children, from as young as a month old, about the world and how they fit in it and can interact with it. Of course, no child would understand that statement. They don’t know what they are learning, what it is teaching them, or why. We only know that as adults. They are just playing and having fun.

In fact, the more fun they have, and the more engaged they are in play, the more they learn and develop mentally, emotionally and physically. As adults – parents and educators – it’s our responsibility to positively and critically influence what they learn as they well, as how they learn. The importance of educational toys in early childhood development cannot be underestimated. The social and physical skills and the enhanced capacity for creative thinking and problem-solving offered by educational toys have never been more important.

The combination of developmental benefits offered by educational toys is pivotal for future success. This is true for success at school and in later childhood, and into adulthood.

The best, highest quality educational toys are designed to offer the best outcomes in preparing your children for the challenges they’ll face as adults – in a rapidly evolving and increasingly complex and competitive world that demands more skill, talent and life mastery than ever before.

“Every child is a national asset”

National Department of Basic Education

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