Transform aspirations into achievements with tailored consulting expertise.


Direct support for the business owner.


I focus on bringing value and solving business challenges through the delivery of modern services and solutions

After graduating with an MBA from GIBS (Gordon Institute of Business Science) in 2005 I turned my own business around and achieved a cashflow improvement of 1200%. I also grew my business turnover dramatically and improved its longevity and chances of success. My own business celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2024.



If you’re looking to grow your business, but you don’t know where to start, or if you have an idea for growth but you need help making sure your growth initiative will succeed, I can help.  Innovation is an imperative in every business. If your business isn’t growing, or you’re...

Levi Moodley, Orange Telecommunications

I would highly recommend a business interaction with Adam from Imagin8 based on the fact that I was able to constructively discuss the challenges I was facing, all the information was taken note of and insight was provided for my business from my perspective and how to navigate as if...

Floundering Leadership with Lack of Confidence to Lead

If you lack confidence in your own ability to reach your dreams,  or to lead your business into the growth you want to achieve, I can help.  You’re the leader of the business, and it’s all up to you.  But not all leaders have the confidence to march into battle,...


Startups are the most vulnerable of all businesses. Only one out of every 25 new startups live to celebrate year 3. I know what you’re thinking - yeah, but my idea is better… I can almost guarantee that your startup idea in its current form is one of the 24 on...

What my clients have to say about me:

I strive to deliver the utmost in customer satisfaction.

Adam Rabinowitz brings unparalleled expertise and a fresh perspective to the table. Their guidance has been invaluable for our personal and business growth!


1. Initial engagement, meet your mentor!

Our first session is a bit like a first date. You get to meet your mentor and decide if this is for you. You’ll find me direct and honest – if you’re confident that I can help you reach your future goals, we’ll dive straight in and explore some immediate issues and you’ll come away feeling both excited about your future, and perhaps a little apprehensive about what lies ahead.  That’s a good thing. Comfortable change is not good change.  Discomfort is the best place to be on your journey to a better you and the future you envision for yourself.

2. First practical session, establish 6-month goals, set action plan

Practical sessions are where it all happens. We’ll discuss what happened since our last session and how your new knowledge has helped you deal with old problems. Practical sessions are dynamic. We assess where you are in your journey, and what topics we need to discuss in order to uncover your next area for growth.  We’ll cover some practical tools and you’ll go away with some homework to apply to both your personal growth and your business growth.

3. Regular check-ins, revisiting goals, revisiting action plans

Once we establish a rhythm, practical sessions become a dynamic platform to assess your growth, revisit your plans for your future, and to set goals for the next chapter. Situations and priorities change, and so regular sessions are vital to ensure that you stay on your journey of growth.  We discuss current problems and challenges, and the level of our discussions elevate to new heights as your thinking matures.

Let’s Get in Touch


Here to provide you with the missing piece that propels your business to the next level of success.